The blogsite of a bumbling gardener

Hi, I'm Susan and I'm an enthusiastic but bumbling gardener
I live in a town in the South of England and am lucky enough to have a generously sized garden which I love. I also like "quirky" features and am always looking for ways to add these. I am by no means a gardening expert, I tend to go with my instinct, so advice and suggestions are always welcome.
The garden is not without its problems:
one side of the garden suffered a honey-fungus infection a few years back, I am still dealing with the aftermath
the other side is overshadowed by a neighbour's huge tree with the result that the rain never reaches that area
the water table is close to the surface, which combined with clay soil means parts of the garden can become quite waterlogged
on the other hand, if it doesn't rain the clay gets dry and ultra hard
I have a limited budget!
This blog shows my activities in the garden and the animals I share it with.
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